Saturday, June 2, 2012

paint progress update part 3...

Another week of painting, and all of the walls are still NOT finished!  Progress was made though, which at this point, we will take what we can get. 

Funny story about the slowest paint crew in the world...our builder told us that the painters couldn't believe that we wanted our pantry yellow...which kind of makes sense because it took SO long for them to paint our garage yellow.

Since it has taken them SO LONG to paint everything else, I just thought that the garage was an anomaly.  Not the case.  I think the painters are actually prejudiced against Beach Ball (the yellow color on the garage and pantry)!

Now, I think it would somehow be different if the painters were fast.  I would be more willing to give them a pass and assume that they are unwilling to embrace colors other than white!  But, it is somehow just incredibly ridiculous that they are so slow AND prejudiced against yellow! 

Regardless, they were able to push through and finally painted the shelves in the pantry yellow... 

I mean, for real, you would think that they should have gotten a nice introduction to the color when they painted the garage door!

And, hopefully the color is growing on them, because they still have the front door to go!

The photo below is not the most recent - they have trimmed in now and there is no cabinet color on the wall anymore.  Hallelujah!  But there is still much to be painted...

Stay tuned...

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