Friday, April 20, 2012

to match or not to match...

This week, our garage was installed and is a clean slate - bright white:

We have been tossing around the idea that the garage door should match the front door.  For those of you who have not been following the blog, the answer might be obvious.  But, our front door is going to be painted a lovely shade of yellow called Beach Ball. 

So, with this juicy bit of knowledge, should the garage door match the front door? 

At first, we thought we would just play it safe and paint the garage door the same color urban bronze (dark brown) as the trim.  Since you will only see the yellow door from Cortez, we figured we should just make a statement regardless of if you approach the house from Thornberry and Cortez. 

Since the house has a modern design and the exterior color is a mixture of neutral grays, we feel as if we would be doing the garage door an injustice by not painting it Beach Ball as well.

As a reminder, this is Beach Ball:

If you are overwhelmed by the color and are thinking, first, who would choose that color, and second, why would anyone then proceed to paint a door that color? 

Well, let me just point out that yellow front doors are becoming quite popular, so we cannot claim the idea as original.  Yellow garage doors, on the other hand, are not as blogged about.  But they do exist...

One of the many blogs which delve into the subject can be found here...  And then there is blogger who has captured another beautiful image which confirms that we wouldn't be the first to have a yellow garage door either.

So, as the house (and blog) nears completion, we (us included...) will all know if we were brave enough to match both of the exterior doors or not.

On a related note, the house is nearly ready to be locked up.  A temporary lock was installed on the temporary front door.

And we have ordered this awesome illuminated doorbell button by Spore which will make use of the lovely wires dangling from the greenboard.  You can find more information about the doorbell here...  The color of the one we chose is urban bronze with the white illumination, but you get the idea.  We can't wait for all of you to stop by and ring the bell...

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