On the bright side, there were no broken bones this year! But unlike previous years, you could not see our house from space like occhristmas. At the new house, we really scaled back the Christmas lights - a tree, some garland and wreath… Taking down the outside lights took 15 minutes - compared to previous years, that is about 2 weeks faster than normal!
Luckily, the house on Montreal sold before the New Year and we appreciate Kathy Hewitt and Steve Habgood from Hewitt and Habgood for their help.
I also traveled to Paris for work just after Thanksgiving which required that I miss the second half of the Alabama/Auburn game - as it turns out, Auburn forgot to show up and we embarrassed them and disposed of yet another coach! For the record, I did not support the Chizik firing!
Paris was cold and I sure am glad that it is called the City of Lights since I only got to see it at night. We were staying at a hotel close to the airport, so it was mostly work, but I got to see the main things – very beautiful city, but everyone smelled like cheese!
Since I am on the topic of Alabama, I do realize that my last blog post was nearly 4 months ago. That was the weekend that we moved to the new house and beat Michigan at Jerry's world!
My parents visited me in Dallas that weekend and we all went to the game hoping that it would be the start of a great season. As luck would have it, we just returned from Miami where we saw Alabama complete a magical season with a win over Notre Dame in the BCS National Championship game!
So, even with all of that, we are settling into our new home. McKinney quite possibly settled in the fastest! Notice the green ball under the hearth!
On October 6, we hosted my "surprise" birthday party. No one can keep secrets, so it really wasn't a surprise. While the house was clean, I did take a couple of photos. There are still many things we would like to do to the interior, but we are trying to get a feel for how the house lives before we hire an interior decorator.
We have started working on the upstairs loft/tv room/office project and I will write about that next time...